
I‘m a life long learner, artist, developer, photographer, writer, traveler, obsessed with everything that makes me think, reflect, visualize. Is it a concept, a notion, a business term, a drop in price of a stock I hear this morning? It doesn’t matter. I love thinking about thinking. When I stop thinking too much, when I abandon my everyday worries, my job, my responsibilities, my finances, I paint. I photograph. I write. When I do any of those things, I don’t think. A bit. A second. I stop worrying. I just let it go.

MeMe and her
Big form of nothing, pure life, snapshot

What do I know? I know as much as you, I know nothing. I probably know less then you. And I’m aware of that. That’s why I learn, and I’m never happy with what I know. I learned a lot, and I learn a lot. I love a quote from the movie Fight Club which says “You are the all singing, all dancing crap of this world”. Then let’s make it less crap, and let’s use our mind, ourselves, to create something beautiful. I’ve chosen art, what about you?

I have a whole world inside me. Welcome to my world.

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Michele Zucca, 2020